Full Members
Iceland ME/CFS Association
ME company Iceland was founded on March 12, 2011. Patients were then talking online and comparing their books. Most of them had received chronic fatigue analysis and some also had fibromyalgia diagnosis. Many also had some form of psychiatry, usually depression and / or anxiety. A certain group found that the resources available did not help and everyone agreed that there was a much greater need for knowledge, understanding and resources for what was called fatigue.
It came about that the company was created and the purpose has always been to acquire knowledge about ME and increase it among the health profession, the patients themselves, their families and the public.
Those who had read, both books and articles online, knew that there was a great deal of opposition to the name Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS which had been translated as fatigue in Icelandic. There is a valid reason for this, and when the company was established , the risk was that it should be taught to ME but pushed out the fatigue name.
It has had to do a lot of basic work as this disease is little known, misunderstood and in some cases denied. There is a lot of work to do on issues - let alone start the disease on the card.
The group has been in contact with the Medical Director of Health as well as others from the health sector.
The group will continue to improve the status of ME patients in the healthcare system.
The goal is also for ME patients to be financially secure, but it is not currently guaranteed.
A scientific group has been established that monitors or studies the studies that have been conducted. The results of research are the facts on which all activities of ME companies are based and therefore it is important to keep them on the table.
The company is now a member of three larger alliances; The Disability Federation of Iceland , the Europian ME Alliance, which is an ME Alliance in Europe and then the Nordic ME Network, which is a coalition of ME companies in the Nordic countries. This collaboration is very rewarding for the company and its invaluable strength.
This new and improved website opened in April 2015, but the company has always worked hard to promote information and knowledge. It also includes educational meetings and social life for members, relatives, and others interested.

Member Details
- Web Address
- http://www.mefelag.is/
- mefelag@gmail.com
- Chairman
- Guðrún Sæmundsdóttir