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Czech Republic ME/CFS Association
The editorial team consists of a group of citizens - healthy volunteers and patients who carry out the activity in their free time and without claiming financial compensation according to their own limits determined by time and health possibilities. All web activities are 100% non-commercial. курсы ешко
Since the foundation of the website, we have come to believe that only a strong and well-functioning organization has the opportunity to participate in shaping changes in the health and social spheres. For this reason, the club has been a section of the Czech Patient Association throughout its existence and is not an independent civic association. The ME / CFS Patient Club is part of the Czech Patient Association.
For more information about the organization umbrella of our club is www.pacienti.cz , address: Association of CR patients, Osadní 13, 170 00 Praha 7
Contact e-mail of ME / CFS patients club is me-cfs@seznam.cz Thank you for correct and factual comments or suggestions!
Our project started its activities within the Association of Patients of the Czech Republic in January 2005 under the name CFIDS club. The renaming to ME / CFS.cz, club Benign Myalgic Encephalomyelitis-chronic fatigue syndrome, occurred from May 2008 to mark the International Day of CFS:
1. Given the current global trend to return to the name of the disease the use of the original diagnostically more accurate and descriptive designation - benign myalgic encephalomyelitis and to use the uniform designation ME / CFS for the disease
2. and further to align the name of the disease in the project header with those of the World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases of Revision 10 under code G93.3. More in the article: ME / CFS in ICD-10
CFS.cz strives to:
- a uniform official statement in accordance with WHO and ICD-10 that the chronic fatigue syndrome is classified under code G 93.3,
- obligatory implementation of ME / CFS guidelines - we propose so-called Canadian Clinical Care Guidelines (ed. of the Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Vol. 11 (1) 2003), on which the proposal is available on our website http: //www.me-cfs. com / standard.pdf or on the medical website http://www.prolekare.cz/dokumenty/standardCHU.pdf rel = "nofollow". There was also a shorter version of the proposal, see http://www.me-cfs.cz/standard_2010.pdf .
- improving the education and information of doctors about the disease in the Czech Republic,
- issuing a binding instruction for the CSSA Medical Assessment Service regarding the assessment of applicants with ME / CFS for pension security before the CFS item is returned to the relevant regulation,
- intervention against all acts leading to the unauthorized psychiatrization of ME / CFS disability and patients suffering from this disease,
- introduction of a blood laboratory test for RNase L Protein,
- Establishment of a State Center for Comprehensive Care for Patients with Multisystem Disabilities ME / CFS - G 93.3. and
- authorization of Ampligen for the treatment of CFS patients in the Czech Republic as soon as it has been approved by the competent authority.
Since our establishment in 2005, we have come to believe that only a strong and well-functioning organization has the opportunity to participate in shaping changes in the health and social spheres. Therefore, the project has been under the auspices of the Czech Patients Association for the duration of its existence . We are not an independent organization.
More information about the organization covering our activities can be found at www.pacienti.cz , address:
Czech Patients Association, Sokolská 32, 120 00 Prague 2
Our aim is to report on the complex disability of benign myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), later referred to as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which the World Health Organization leads in the tenth International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) as a neurological inflammatory disease under diagnostic code G93. 3. As biomedical research progresses, we have more and more information about this disease and we consider it crucial to put new knowledge into practice. Our goals can be found here .
ME / CFS.cz goals
Increase awareness of ME / CFS for patients, professionals and the general public with a focus on biomedical research and reimbursement in accordance with EBM principles.
Introduction of a binding standard of diagnosis and treatment of ME / CFS in the Czech Republic in accordance with EBM principles.
Establishment of the State Center of Comprehensive Care for Patients with Multisystem Disabilities ME / CFS - G 93.3 (ICD - 10)
Availability of diagnostic and therapeutic care for patients with ME / CFS in the Czech Republic covered by public health insurance.
Issue of a binding instruction for the CSSA LPS on the assessment of applicants with ME / CFS for pension security.
Stopping psychiatrization and psychosomatization of ME / CFS (ME / CFS is not a psychological disorder but a biological disease).